SOULSEEDS: SHOW UP and GROW - Title of the book I am writing


* To inspire and support the archetypal journey of enlightenment, healing, & transformation, an integration of healing body, mind, and spirit.

*To empower others to live a connected abundant and more congruent life with integrity
* To inspire, Enlighten, Transform and Synthesize.
* For each person to reconnect with the energy and purpose of their Soul and move forward unfolding their true mission, the true unique direction of their life.
*To rekindle the Soul to remember and return to it's homeostatic journey with Grace.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


"The currency that you have for getting what you want is the way that you think." - Dr. Wayne Dyer 
               Focus is an absolutely essential component in achieving the daily goals and the ultimate purpose of our lives. What we Focus on mentally can limit us, expand us, distract us, confuse us, inspire us, direct us, affirm us, sabotage us, or support us.  Our thoughts can set our life in a direction, which is an amazing concept. And the possibilities are endless depending on the thought, its intensity, consistence, and prevalence.  Our thoughts are often connected to emotional triggers in our body and affect our attitude, perception, energy and actions.  Thoughts are also products of our belief system, past experiential learning, conditioning, attitude and perception. 
 “Whatever we Focus on Gets Bigger”.  Therefore, there are some essential concepts we need to understand, accept, and live if we are to support the “Journey to the Core of Healing” – Soulwork.  The fertile ground that nurtures Soulwork consists of Positive Thinking and Affirmations, an Attitude of Gratitude, focus on the Principal of Abundance, believing in the Laws of Attraction, and the Power of Intention.  It also requires a determination and commitment to Action Towards Intention and a Solution Centered Approach to life.  One needs to treat others with Kindness.  Love and AcceptanceReceptiveness to Expansion, and Creativity will invite and absorb the vision and lessons to fertilize the soil of the Soul.  Is there a risk? I think not.  To remain as we are in ignorance of all of this or know of it and not take the journey seems more of a risk to me.  If I keep doing what I have always done I will continue to get what I have always gotten.

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Akron, Ohio, United States
I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in private practice for the past 20 years. I am also a pastoral minister, polarity practitioner, energy body worker, and teach breath work and relaxation techniques. Gratitude and Abundance are the focus of my life and sharing with others what I have been given. I am also the mother of 4 grown children and 9 grandchildren.