SOULSEEDS: SHOW UP and GROW - Title of the book I am writing


* To inspire and support the archetypal journey of enlightenment, healing, & transformation, an integration of healing body, mind, and spirit.

*To empower others to live a connected abundant and more congruent life with integrity
* To inspire, Enlighten, Transform and Synthesize.
* For each person to reconnect with the energy and purpose of their Soul and move forward unfolding their true mission, the true unique direction of their life.
*To rekindle the Soul to remember and return to it's homeostatic journey with Grace.

Friday, October 22, 2010



We as human beings are capable of change and growth. Whatever has been learned can be unlearned and replaced by new learning.  Awareness is the key to change and seeing our choices.  “Soulwork” and the process of healing at a Soul level, provides us with new choices and enlightenment. “Change your beliefs, change your reality.” 

"You are free to behave well whether or not other people deserve it. Waiting to see who deserves your kindness or thoughtfulness, you give away your power."                                                  Stephanie Dowrick.

     Consider the invitation to Change Your Focus to living from the core of your Soul, constantly entering into a deeper communication and expression with your essence attuned to the Holy Mystery, Intention, and Source of all life.  Then our life changes, transforms and we become channels of grace for others and the universe.  This I believe is our true mission and destiny: to live from the core of our being and to magnify and radiate the Holy Mystery to others.  This is how we reclaim our natural inheritance of “Original Blessing” (Matthew Fox).

Now we have choices we are often unaware of, but not if we learn to go to the Core of our Soul, to live and breath from our essence (true self).

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Akron, Ohio, United States
I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in private practice for the past 20 years. I am also a pastoral minister, polarity practitioner, energy body worker, and teach breath work and relaxation techniques. Gratitude and Abundance are the focus of my life and sharing with others what I have been given. I am also the mother of 4 grown children and 9 grandchildren.